How are Oligonucleotides Synthesized?

Oligonucleotide synthesis is a crucial process in molecular biology, supporting applications like PCR, gene editing, DNA sequencing, and therapeutic developments. The advancements in diagnostics, life sciences, biotech, and pharmacology depend on oligonucleotide synthesis. Let’s explore the process driven by phosphoramidite chemistry for oligonucleotide synthesis. Oligonucleotide Synthesis Process Modern oligonucleotide synthesis relies on phosphoramidite chemistry, a method introduced…

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) in Cancer Care

Next Generation Sequencing and Its Clinical Application

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is a modern genetic analysis technology revolutionizing how we understand and address diseases in clinical settings. This powerful technology offers insights into the human genome, and its applications span various medical disciplines, including oncology. It helps us see the tiny details of DNA and RNA in ways we couldn’t before. This…

The Role of CT Scans in Orthopedic Procedures

Exploring the Role of CT Scans in Orthopedic Procedures

CT scans, also known as computed tomography scans, offer a detailed cross-sectional view of the body, allowing physicians to examine bones, joints, and soft tissues with exceptional clarity. Unlike conventional X-rays, which provide a two-dimensional image, CT scans create a three-dimensional reconstruction of the area of interest. This view enables doctors to visualize the exact…

The role of a CT scan involves detecting blockages, injuries, tumors, and more

What Health Concerns Can a CT Scan Detect?

A Computed Tomography (CT) or Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) scan is a medical imaging procedure, a radiological exam, used to capture two-dimensional pictures of the inside of a particular portion of the body. It involves the use of multiple X-rays to gather information and a computer to combine the data and generate highly detailed representations…

Guide to CT Scan Preparation

How to Prepare for a CT Scan?

A CT scan, or computed tomography scan, is a crucial diagnostic tool to visualize the body’s internal structures. Proper preparation before a CT scan is essential for accurate results and a smooth procedure. This information will help you explore the necessary steps to prepare for a CT scan and will discuss many factors linked to…

The importance of regular diabetes check-ups

Why Do Regular Diabetes Check-Ups Matter

Living with diabetes presents a unique set of challenges that require constant vigilance and proactive management. Diabetes is more than just a condition- it’s a lifestyle that demands attention to detail and a commitment to self-care. One essential feature of this condition is regular diabetes check-ups. These appointments serve as essential touchpoints in the ongoing…

Syphilis Diagnosed and Treated

What is Syphilis and Why Must it be Diagnosed and Treated

Syphilis, is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. It is a significant public health concern globally. This condition can be apparent in various stages, each presenting distinct symptoms and complications if left untreated. Understanding syphilis, its diagnosis, and treatment is crucial in preventing its spread and mitigating its adverse effects on…

Syphilis STD - Cause, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

X-Rays Application in Orthopedic and Surgical Settings

X-rays serve as essential tools in orthopaedics and surgical procedures, providing insights into skeletal structures for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. This imaging technology utilizes electromagnetic radiation to produce detailed images, aiding healthcare professionals in evaluating bone fractures, joint conditions, and implant placements. From pre-operative planning to post-operative assessments,  X-rays play a major role in…

when is kidney dialysis needed - Trivitron

When Is Dialysis Recommended

Dialysis is a therapeutic procedure designed to take over the functioning of kidneys if both kidneys are unable to properly do their job.  The kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs, just beneath the rib cage, on either side of the body. They are a part of the urinary system. Normally, the kidneys work to…